Please fully fill in application prior to submitting


In consideration of the Lehigh Valley Real Estate Institute, herein referred to as the “SCHOOL”, accepting me as a student and providing me the instruction in Real Estate as agreed, I agree to pay the required tuition at or prior to the execution of this agreement.

I am aware of the ATTENDANCE POLICY of the “SCHOOL” as imposed by the Real Estate Commission (1-800-822-2113); which requires that I attend at least 80% of the class time (90% for Continuing Education Courses). If I miss more than the permitted time, I understand that I will not be issued an official transcript, and it will be my responsibility to arrange to make up any missed time when the course is offered again. I also understand if I fail to make up the missed time within 12 months, that I may be required to pay for and take the course again.

I understand that:

  1. If I cancel my registration at least seven (7) days before the start of the first class, I will be granted a full refund
  2. If I cancel my registration five (5) days before the start of the first class, I will not receive a refund; however, I may transfer my tuition to another course, to be given at a later date.
  3. If I do not cancel five (5) or more days before the start of the class or if I withdraw from my class, I will not receive a refund AND cannot transfer my tuition to another future class.
  4. There will be no refunds for books.

The “SCHOOL” shall have the right to discontinue instruction and cancel this agreement at any time for violation of the rules or disruptive conduct during class, or if I should refuse to take the instruction when scheduled.

All classes are subject to cancellation if there is insufficient enrollment. In such case, a full refund will be given.

I agree to hold The School harmless from any liability as a result of my failure to successfully complete the course or from injuries sustained in class or on the way to or from the site of the course. The Lehigh Valley Real Estate Institute is not bound by any oral agreements or representations other than those specified herein.